8th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS)

July 14-20, 2024, Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy

SLIMS Student Presentations

The students are strongly encouraged to bring posters presenting the results of their research projects or research plans for new projects. All posters are displayed for the whole duration of the School in the same hall where the lectures are delivered. The posters are discussed during the extensive poster sessions as well as during the breaks between lectures.

Each student also gives a brief (3-5 min) oral presentation of her/his poster at one of the special oral sessions and participates in the Best Student Presentation Award competition.

Technical Information on Student Presentations

The recommended posters dimensions are 120 cm high by 84 cm wide (A0 format). A poster board will be provided. Please provide by yourself suitable means to stick your poster to the posterboards (wood surface).

Suggestions for oral presentations of posters:

  • please prepare a very brief power point presentation (1 - 3 slides)
  • do not attempt to cover the content of your poster in the oral presentation, focus on the main idea(s) and scientific/technical significance of your project
  • mention the concepts or research problems that you would like to discuss with your colleagues, identify the areas of possible collaboration
  • the objective of your brief presentation should be to attract other students and lecturers to your poster
  • please practice your presentation - remember that the time limit (5 min maximum) is strictly enforced
  • the award selection committee will evaluate your poster, your oral presentation, your presentation of both