8th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS)

July 14-20, 2024, Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy

   Best student presentation awards (Roger Kelly Awards)
Best student presentation awards (Young Researchers)
selected based on the number of votes received from all lecturers
Niladri Ganguly
LP3 laboratory, France
Kristýna Gazdová
HiLASE Centre, Czech Republic
Wataru Kimura
University of Tokyo, Japan
Amani Yassine
American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Niladri Ganguly - Award Kristyna Gazdova - Award Wataru Kimura - Award Amani Yassine - Award

Best student presentation awards (Rising Stars)
selected based on the number of votes received from all lecturers
Yuan Xu
University of Virginia, USA
Shotaro Kawano
University of Tokyo, Japan
Tania Ribeiro
Faculdade de Ciências - Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Yuan Xu - Award Shotaro Kawano - Award Tania Ribeiro Award

All SLIMS-2024 Awardees
All SLIMS-2024 Awardees
    Young Researchers Awards
SLIMS-2024 Awardees in the Young Researchers category

All students participate in the Best Student Presentation Award competition. The awards are dedicated to the memory of Professor Roger Kelly, who made many seminal contributions in the field of laser-matter interaction and devoted much attention to the education of students and young researchers.

The awards are given in two categories:
Young Researchers — for first- and second-year PhD students, as well as Master and undergraduate students, and
Rising Stars — for senior PhD students (more than two years in the PhD program) and postdoctoral researchers.

All Lecturers act as members of the Award Selection Committee to evaluate the quality of the presentations given by each student. The scores provided by the Lecturers are collected, and the top-ranked students are identified in both categories.

Student Awards 2012
Student Awards, 2012
    Student Awards 2016
Student Awards, 2016
    Student Awards 2018
Student Awards, 2018
    Student Awards 2022
Student Awards, 2022